Male half-orc names often reflect their robust and fierce nature, with sounds that convey strength and dominance.
- Grommash
- Throk
- Grimgor
- Kharak
- Durgash
- Hrothgar
- Gorrok
- Dornak
- Ragar
- Urgoth
- Haldrek
- Brondor
- Thraknar
- Balrog
- Krulmash
- Tharok
- Garage
- Uzgul
- Thrumm
- Draenor
- Thakul
- Grukash
- Borgrim
- Tharag
- Morgur
- Urzag
- Dralmor
- Uldar
- Gornak
- Skarrok
- Grimlock
- Garbash
- Thrandok
- Ormag
- Hrokul
- Gralgor
- Uthgor
- Tharog
- Haruk
- Drulmash

Female Half-Orc Names
Female half-orc names often combine strength and resilience with a touch of grace and individuality. Here are more female half-orc names:
- Gresham
- Brakka
- Uthra
- Lorga
- Orna
- Gromma
- Zulga
- Krogna
- Thraka
- Ulga
- Dratha
- Grasha
- Thrukka
- Daruksha
- Gorza
- Thudra
- Krulga
- Thorga
- Ultra
- Narukka
- Grulda
- Uzga
- Tharshna
- Gorka
- Krugla
- Azogsha
- Hurgra
- Durgla
- Groshna
- Urethra
- Karoksha
- Dradna
- Tharka
- Grana
- Ugruksha
- Brunka
- Thalia
- Garshna
- Urukna
- Korga
DnD Half-Orc Names
Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) is a popular playing game where half-orc characters find their place. The rich lore of DnD and the diverse cultures within the game inspires these names. Drizzak
- Grimmaug
- Tharnak
- Brondor
- Durzog
- Zulghar
- Skarrok
- Hulgrim
- Thrundar
- Kharog
- Droggash
- Ulfgrim
- Grendor
- Throkna
- Garzog
- Haldrik
- Urgrim
- Thrakkash
- Gorlak
- Thranok
- Durgan
- Brondur
- Gromlok
- Karlok
- Uthgar
- Skalgur
- Thrumlok
- Grugnor
- Urethral
- Haldrog
- Thunder
- Skarnok
- Uldrog
- Grimnar
- Kharlug
- Haldorn
- Durgnar
- Thandar
- Skulgur
- Grendrik
Funny Half-Orc Names
Humor can add a touch of charm and uniqueness to half-orc characters. Here are more funny half-orc names:
- Snarfel – Playful and mischievous half-orc with a love for laughter.
- Thud – Silent and imposing, commands respect with every step.
- Smashface – Relentless warrior, smashing through obstacles with ease.
- Grunk – Gentle giant, powerful yet kind-hearted.
- Bumbletusk – Clumsy adventurer with a heart of gold.
- Smasherella – Fierce and graceful, a formidable presence in battle.
- Klutzak – Skilled fighter with a comically clumsy side.
- Gigglesmash – Laughter in combat, disarming foes with joy.
- Thuddles – Strong and tender, a gentle force to be reckoned with.
- Snickergrin – Always finding amusement, their smile brightens the darkest moments.
- Crashbone – Brave and reckless, charging headfirst into danger.
- Gargletusk – Fearsome tusks strike fear into adversaries.
- Smooshface – Dominant headbutts leave opponents stunned.
- Thunk – Straightforward and impactful in both words and actions.
- Grumblebelly – Gruff and stoic, their growls speak volumes.
- Snorfle – Endearing laughter and snorting charm.
- Chucklesmash – Unleashing humor while delivering powerful blows.
- Whackmaw – Ferocious bites that tear through barriers.
- Gobbeltooth – Sharp-toothed warriors are known for their biting tenacity.

Male Half-Orc Fighter Names
For half-orcs who embody the warrior spirit, these names signify strength and prowess in battle. Here are more male half-orc fighter names:
- Grommash the Fierce
- Throk Skullcrusher
- Krug Bloodaxe
- Draknar Ironfist
- Durgash Bonebreaker
- Haldrek Blackblade
- Gorrok Warbringer
- Grimgor Ironhide
- Urgoth Battleborn
- Ragar the Destroyer
- Hrokul the Merciless
- Thakul Stormrider
- Uzgul the Unyielding
- Tharok Bloodlust
- Borgrim the Reckless
- Grimloch the Relentless
- Garbash Thunderstrike
- Thrandok the Ruthless
- Haruk the Savage
- Drulmash Wargore
- Skarrok the Warlord
- Tharka Bloodfury
- Uthgor Ironjaw
- Krulmash Skullsplitter
- Thudra the Conqueror
- Ormag the Dreadful
- Garag the Marauder
- Morgur the Mercenary
- Urzag the Vanquisher
- Dornak the Ravager
- Balrog the Menacing
- Krulga the Barbarian
- Grulda the Slayer
- Urukna the Dominator
- Tharshna the Valiant
- Drulga the Warbringer
- Durgla the Annihilator
- Brunka the Battleworn
- Thudbash the Unstoppable
- Dradna the Fearless
Badass Half-Orc Names
These names are the epitome of badassery for half-orcs that exude an aura of power and intimidation.
- Grimlock the Unbreakable
- Kharok the Ruthless
- Grendor the Ferocious
- Skarrok the Merciless
- Grondor the Vengeful
- Uthgar the Dominator
- Thunder the Devastator
- Krullok the Fearbringer
- Draknor the Destroyer
- Haldorn the Conqueror
- Urgoth the Unstoppable
- Gromlok the Warlord
- Throkna the Bloodthirsty
- Gorza the Bladebringer
- Durgan the Annihilator
- Thranok the Unyielding
- Brondor the Dreaded
- Skalgur the Slayer
- Grendrik the Merciless
- Urukna the Menacing
- Tharshna the Reaver
- Garbash the Brutal
- Krulga the Executioner
- Tharka the Fearless
- Thudra the Thunderous
- Drulga the Beastmaster
- Grimloch the Deathdealer
- Haldrek the Warhammer
- Thundar the Thunderstorm
- Skarrok, the Savage
- Uthgor the Fearsome
- Krug Bloodfist
- Grimgor the Scarred
- Durgash the Destroyer
- Throk Bonecrusher
- Hrothgar the Breaker
- Gorrok Ironhide
- Urgoth the Merciless
- Ragar the Rampager
- Hrokul the Conqueror
Half-Orc Barbarian Names
For half-orcs who embrace their primal nature as barbarians, these names symbolize their wild and fierce spirit. Here are more half-orc barbarian names:
- Throk, the Savage
- Grimgor the Raging
- Grendor the Berserker
- Urgoth the Bloodthirsty
- Draknor the Howler
- Haldrek the Feral
- Gorza the Wild
- Skarrok the Untamed
- Hrokul the Wrathful
- Thunder the Savage
- Uthgor the Barbaric
- Krug, the Savage
- Gromlok the Untamed
- Tharka the Rampaging
- Thudra the Roaring
- Drulga the Ferocious
- Urgul the Raging
- Skalgur the Frenzied
- Grondor the Unbridled
- Urukna the Merciless
- Tharshna the Untamed
- Hrothgar the Brutal
- Garbash the Raging
- Krulga the Bloodthirsty
- Thakul the Furious
- Thranok, the Savage
- Thudbash the Vicious
- Skarnok the Ruthless
- Gromlok the Furious
- Ragar the Savage
- Krug the Barbarian
- Grimloch the Ferocious
- Haldrog the Wild
- Uthgar the Relentless
- Drulmash the Savage
- Gralgor the Unyielding
- Tharka, the Savage
- Thrumlok the Bloodthirsty
- Krulmash the Savage
- Garag the Fierce

Half-Orc Names Inspired By Popular Media
Popular media often inspires character names. Here are more half-orc names inspired by movies, TV shows, and books:
- Durgrim
- Gorzak
- Loktar
- Shrek
- Thrall
- Orgrim
- Draka
- Garona
- Go’el
- Gul’dan
- Thrallgar
- Durnak
- Lorthak
- Rendok
- Skarnok
- Garadok
- Khadrok
- Durothar
- Orlok
- Kargash
- Gorash
- Ragarth
- Lokrak
- Durthar
- Thrand
Half-orc names bring life and personality to these compelling characters, evoking their strength, culture, and unique identities. Whether you’re seeking a fierce warrior name, a funny and endearing moniker, or one inspired by popular media, the categories above offer a wide range of options for your half-orc character.
Choose a name that resonates with their spirit and adds depth to their role in fantasy and adventure. Let the power of the name enhance the journey of your half-orc character and enrich your role-playing experience.